ABBYY Recognition Server 4.0

ABBYY Recognition Server 4.0


ABBYY Recognition Server 4.0

ABBYY Recognition Server provides powerful server-based OCR functionality for automated document capture and PDF conversion. It is the ideal choice for organizations that are looking for an efficient automated OCR server and document capture software. This robust, powerful yet simple server-based OCR solution is designed for mid- to high-volume document processing across large departments and enterprises. It can be either deployed as a standalone program or integrated with a third-party system such as DMS, RMS, and electronic archiving system:

  • Creation of Searchable Archives and Digital Libraries
  • Document Capture Front-End For ECM Systems
  • Everyday OCR service
  • OCR for the Google Search Appliance
  • OCR IFilter for Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server and Windows® Search.

Three types of license:

  1. License with Pages Per Year (PPY) Limitation, no CPU Limitations applied
  2. License with CPU Based Pricing (No Page Count Limit.) This CPU-based license model allows processing of any number of pages and documents. In order to scale the installation and a higher performance and total throughput, further processing stations can be added to the same standard license purchased.
  3. License with TPC Based Pricing  (Total Page Count. No CPU limitation, unlimited operator stations number)



ABBYY Recognition Server Business Solutions:


Implementation and Support

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